How Wetted Surface Marketing Works (aka what we do and why)

A New Kind of Billboard

Billboards make great advertising…but what if your “billboards” really popped and moved with the wind?

What if your advertising could reach other businesses, business owners and affluent individuals?

Wetted Surface Marketing does just this. We get your message in front of your city and in front of highly captive audiences in a non-traditional way….a way that is certain to grab attention and get you more business.

We all get told (by advertising “gurus”) that you need 7 impressions before a buyer remembers your brand and decides to buy. Why not ingrain your brand in their head by getting all those impressions in one weekend? Heck you may even close the deal at the bar later that day.

So then, why would I need Wetted Surface Marketing?

If you owned a marine related business, it would make sense for you to purchase a boat or a sail for a boat or whatever and advertise on that, right? So what’s stopping your business from doing that?

3 words: Internal Revenue Service!

Unfortunately, the tax man sees it as a big red flag if a non-marine related business goes out and buys a sail to put advertising on. Not that there is a problem with it from an advertising prospective, truly, advertising directly to fellow business owners and people in buying positions is a smart way to directly reach your target audience not to mention the media and reach that accompanies a regional or national level regatta. Worldwide, people watch these events and go through the pictures. However, a purchase such as this by a non-marine company will raise audit flags. Clearly because too many people have abused the system.

But equally clear is that advertising on a boat is a great way to get customers and get the kind of attention that you want on your business. But the IRS doesn’t always see that and scrutiny from the IRS is not the kind of attention you want on your business. All they see is you buying things “boat things” with company money. We help you clarify that arrangement and show that you’re spending your advertising dollars wisely. We are Wetted Surface Marketing.